Thursday, August 9, 2012

Arriving to Lima

The flight from Madrid to Lima was very exhausting, 12 hours in a seat where you can not sleep well or be comfortable. I slept about 6 hours but did wake up every now and then.

Finally in Lima when I walk outside the airport I smell a familiar scent. It's like new years eve, with burning firecrackers. Everybody is staring and I'm staring at everybody. Everybody looks like indians! But the taxidriver was very polite and drove us to our first weeks hotel, El Reducto. At the hotel the receptionist doesn't speak english and the hotelroom is very cold. It's a cloudy day at Lima so the temperature is about 18 degrees but it feels much colder. There's no warm water in the shower or proper blankets in beds. Now I'm blogging from the hotel lobby with my computer. I feel a bit sad while watching photos of my family. It's weird because I've been waiting for this for so long and didn't expect to get homesick allready the first day. The culturalshock is huge but I'm happy to start school tomorrow and meet other international students in the same situation. I know everything will be better as soon as we get our apartment on 16th of August. We were there today and sign rental-contracts, the area is very nice and we have a receptionist downstairs 24/7 securing the building :) It's near the ocean and a lovely park. The traffic is crazy out here... Everybody is driving fast and honking horns at each others. I've always been one of those who complain that Finland sucks, but now I understand that everything works there just fine :D

So long, I'll try to blogg some more after this weekend. :)

1 comment:

  1. We miss you too!

    Your parents, sister and Viidu
