Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 02 and 03

Day 02 What do you think about your friends?

Well I'm really happy to have a lot of friends and while I was away many of them came to me and said that they really miss me. It was surprising to know how many people actually cares if I'm in Finland or not. I had really dark times 2 years ago and I would not have made it without my friends. They kept me going and gave me hope. I have a couple of best friends. From the girls we have a 4-girl tight group, they are my best friends from the girls. From the boys my favorities are Pekka, Tomi, Jacob and Miko. Even tough I haven't seen Miko in years we were really close 2006-2008 and still keep contact trough facebook and stuff like that.

Some of my friends have their bad sides, they talk a lot about people behind their backs. Mine too, but I always act that I don't know what they have said about me. I don't like to cause drama. But I always am careful what to tell these friends because they will not keep my personal things as a secret.

Day 03 Your idea of the perfect first date?

Well I haven't been on so many dates, but my perfect first date would be something exciting for example paintball war or going to the zoo. Something fun and that we can also talk at the same time. I'm not so picky, I'm happy if somebody even bothers to ask me out on a date. I just don't say yes very often. I must fancy him a lot before saying yes :D

Sunday, December 23, 2012

After the exchange

Some of my peruvian friends are at least intrested in knowing how my life is here in Finland. I am going to keep writing this blog at least for a while. Here is a challenge that my friend Tytti did in her blog so I am going to follow this, maybe you will learn more about me. Each day I tell a different story or thing about myself.

Day 01 – A picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Me at work

1. I'm born in January
2. I'm very independent
3. I love animals
4. I study hospitality management and I will graduate probably 2014
5. I hate people who talk about and judge other people without knowing them
6. I work at Viking Line cruise ships
7. I'm moving to Finlands capital city to an own apartment in April
8. I love to meet new people and getting new friends
9. I don't like talking about my feelings
10. My dream is to travel around Southern America, Africa and Asia
11. I'm going to adopt a dog for the next 2 years
12. I have a sponsor child in Uganda
13. I'm bad at math
14. I hate liars and cheaters
15. I miss Peru

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


This is it. My last day here is ending and tomorrow I start my 21 hour journey back to Finland. I had to say goodbye to many people, many amazing people that made me feel loved and respected. I have been crying all day long, trying to keep it together in public. My friend Lucero from Costa Rica has been the best girl I have met here, she is not arrogant, she doesn't talk bad about other people. She has been there for all the way :) Carolina my tutor have helped me in many ways and she and her family have taught me a lot about Peru, love and family. The mexicans made our trip fun and many good parties will be missed. Also another person showed me his true self, told me things he can't talk with anyone else. He is a person with a lot of burden and I hope he will find his way in life. Beautiful stories, memories, people, personalities.

I also met a special guy here and I'm gonna miss him the most. Someday I going to marry and have kids with someone like him. Quiero que sepas que significas mucho para mi.

Os voy a extrañar muchisimo. Pero esto no es el fin, voy a regresar a Perú y tal vez algún día ustedes se llegan a Finlandia. Nada me haría más feliz. Ustedes estan hermosas por dentro y por fuera. Los quiero! 

Monday, December 17, 2012


Pictures of Cusco

At the water temple 3800m above sea level.

6.12.2012 Finland 95 years!

Sacred Valley of the Incas

Women in a little town of Chincero near Cusco, they do textiles everyday of  the wool of alpaca.
Hats made of the wool of baby alpaca, too expensive for us 
Sacred Valley of the Incas

Plaza de Armas, Cusco

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Inca culture

I have learned so much about the mysterious Inca culture this past week here in Cusco, the capital city of the Incas. The golden time of the Incas were 1500-1600, only hundred years but they concured places from many different countries. The first Inca king was supposely Manco Capac around 1200. Only unreachable area was the Amazon jungle due to yellowfever and malaria. They built temples and huge fortresses with stones which they moved by pushing them on hundreds of little round rocks. The Incas didn´t have so many humans sacrificed if you compare to the Mayans. The Incas offered lamas, quinea pigs and other animals to the gods.

Saqsayhuaman is a big place with stones like this. "Inca fortress"
They believed that there is 3 gods: god of the sun (Inti), moon and the main good of mother earth. The moon represented a woman and the sun a man. Their andean cross symbolizes three different lifes; the gods (a condor), humans (a puma) and the afterlife of the deads (a snake). Three is a magical number in the Inca culture. The steps in the cross means also "I live, I work, I love". The Incas didn't have any jails in their time or laws. They only had three rules: Don't be a liar, don't be a thief and don't be lazy. With these three rules it was possible to rule the entire Incan empire.

Andean cross (Google)
Gold was mainly a decoration subject to the Incas. What they really appreciated was textiles, archelogical subjects and food like corn and potato. They had a very different technique to build houses and temples. They use the lego technique and always three walls leaned towards the one wall which was straight. This way the building could resist the earths movements caused by earthquakes. In 1650 there was a earthquake in Cusco (Machu Picchu is located about 80km from Cusco) and yet again in 1950. People believe that a big earthquake hits Cusco every 300 years. In these earthquakes about 70% off the buildings built by the spaniards was destroyed. 25% of the buildings that were built in the Inca legostyle were destroyed. The difference between European buildings and Inca buildings are that the Europeans use sement between the rocks and all the walls are straight.

Lego technique was used in the temples and the house of Inca king.

Also the way Incas send their messages was much more efective than the spaniards way. From Cusco to for example Machu Picchu they had a message tower every 10km. So each messenger ran 10km to the next tower and gave the message to the next man who was supposed to run 10km again. This way 80km was easily beaten under 8 hours. The inca trail is nowadays done by the tourists in 4 days and 3 nights.

On top of a message tower.
Francisco Pizarro was the man who led the spaniards to Peru in 1532-1533. Incas were defieted by diseases brought by spaniards and their weaponery. They just wanted to slaughter everyone and get their hands on the gold. In a bit over 4 months they had collected already 8 tonnes of gold. One way to get gold quickly was to capture the Inca king and demand gold as ransom. One thing that made the empire weaker was that there was some kind of civil war between the sons of the Inca Huayna Capac. Of this subject I don't know more about.

We visited the catedral of Cusco and there we were able to see many paintings done by the local cusquenas. The difference between an European painting and a local can be noticed by the animals, dresses, food and the skincolor of the people in the painting. In the painting of Jesus' last supper, the face of Judas is actually the face of Francisco Pizarro. This speaks for itself, how the locals felt about this man. One guide told us a story about how the animal Lama got its name. When a spanish captain arrived to Peru and saw this animal he had never seen before, he went to a local man and asked Como se llama? meaning what's thats name, the local man didn't understand because their official language was Quechua. After asking again a few times in an angry way, the local man just fearfully repited the last word ...llama? and the spaniard said thanks and left.

Machu Picchu (means old mountain in Quechua) was never discovered by the spaniards. There is different kind of stories why the residents of Machu Picchu abandoned the place after they heard that conquerors had arrived to Peru. One story tells that it was so sacred that they didn't want to take a risk that it would be found so the people left and destroyed all the roads leading there. Another story tells that there was not enough food for 600 residents because their sacred town was located to high up in the mountains (2430m) that only the farming terraces didn't cover the need of food. No-one really knows what was the main reason. Many hundreds of years later there were still some local farmers living around Machu Picchu and knew of its existence. When a American historian Hiram Bingham was on his expedition for the search of another lost city (legend), he was brought up to mountains by a local boy and this way told the world about Machu Picchu and he was marked as the finder of Machu Picchu. The year was 1911. They found amazing carvings in the stone that by studying closer revealed to be an astronomical watch. The sun creates a shadow in different corners different time of the year. This way they were able to divide the year in to 4 pieces and also to predict the dry/rain season.

Nowadays it is a Peruvian Historical Sanctuary and is one of the seven wonders of the world. The view is mainly reconstructed, the flora is under control that the visitor can see better what it actually looked like back in 1450 when they started building the town. This is by so far the most amazing places I have visited. It was hidden from the world for over 400 years. The atmosphere is somethng that I can't even describe.

I will post more pictures from other places later. :)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Arriving to Cusco

We arrived yesterday to the city of Cusco. The flight took about 1 hour 15 minutes from Lima. Cusco is 3300m above the sea line so the air is much thinner here than in Lima. I was feeling very sick already in the plane and was forced to throw up. In Cusco I was feeling dizzy and had a horrible headache. I took a pill which is supposed to help for high altitude sickness. We were also offered tea with coca leaves at the hotel. As soon as I arrived to the hotel I took a nap for 4 hours and after that we went for a pizza. Still felt bad so we decided to take an hour massage for only 15 soles. Today I have felt a little bit better but couldn't sleep on my belly because it was hard to breathe. Today we are going for a 5 hour city tour. And before that we will meet up with our mexican friends at the Plaza de Armas, they were at Machu Picchu yesterday and we are gonna go there on saturday :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mancora beach

We went to Mancora beach in Northern Peru for 4 days. First we flew about an hour to Piura and then we took a minivan for 2,5hours to Mancora! It is a small town at the Pacific ocean with about 8000 people. It is very popular among tourists from all around the world. We stayed at Kokopelli beachpackers hostel. I met a lot of people in my journey, nationalities from England, Venezuela, Russia, Chile, France, Austria, Australia, Canada, US etc...

First day went at the beach, tanning and swimming. I was robbed at the beach, while I was taking pics of Juho and Niina swimming, someone went behind my back to my purse and took 90 soles. We were so tired after being awake for 48hours straight so after a couple of drinks we went straight to bed at midnight. The bar at the hostel was great and the staff so friendly. Mostly australians working there :) The second day we went horseback riding and at the evening for couple of drinks again with our local surfing teacher Gustavo and his Venezuelan friend Yuhsol. He taught me how to surf on the third day, it went well but the first time I was supposed to stand up another surfer ran me over so I flew off my board straight to sharp rocks and I couldn't get away from the rocks when the waves pushed me down again. But after that I stood up several times and it was fun! After that we went driving with a water jet, first all three of us on top and then just alone. It was fun alone when you could drive as fast as you wanted. The third night we went partying with our surfing teachers and british and californian people from our hostel.

Fourth day was time to go home, wounds all over my legs, ass burned badly and horrible hangover :D But this was worth it!
