Saturday, December 29, 2012

Day 02 and 03

Day 02 What do you think about your friends?

Well I'm really happy to have a lot of friends and while I was away many of them came to me and said that they really miss me. It was surprising to know how many people actually cares if I'm in Finland or not. I had really dark times 2 years ago and I would not have made it without my friends. They kept me going and gave me hope. I have a couple of best friends. From the girls we have a 4-girl tight group, they are my best friends from the girls. From the boys my favorities are Pekka, Tomi, Jacob and Miko. Even tough I haven't seen Miko in years we were really close 2006-2008 and still keep contact trough facebook and stuff like that.

Some of my friends have their bad sides, they talk a lot about people behind their backs. Mine too, but I always act that I don't know what they have said about me. I don't like to cause drama. But I always am careful what to tell these friends because they will not keep my personal things as a secret.

Day 03 Your idea of the perfect first date?

Well I haven't been on so many dates, but my perfect first date would be something exciting for example paintball war or going to the zoo. Something fun and that we can also talk at the same time. I'm not so picky, I'm happy if somebody even bothers to ask me out on a date. I just don't say yes very often. I must fancy him a lot before saying yes :D

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