Monday, February 25, 2013

The Child of Bad Luck

Many times in my life I have been wondering why do I always mess things up and Why do I have such a bad luck in life. This day was one example of it. I hate my internship work and today I was assigned to clean hotel rooms in a big hotel with a lot of rooms and big ones. Later in the day we went swimming with my sister and at the hall I broke my shampoo or it did actually explode all over my faces for no reason. Then I broke not only one but TWO hairdryers at the same place. Also when I tried to enter the locker rooms through a automatic gate my bag got stuck at the gate...

Last year I broke 7 chairs only by sitting on them. A couple of chairs lost their legs and a couple the seating part. Time to loose some weight huh? And the year before that I had a curse with bicycles. Within one week I broke a lock on a bicycle two times and finally the tire exploded my dad decided to buy me a completely new bicycle. While I was holding the keys to my old bicycle lock, I was sitting on the toilet and at the same time when I flushed I dropped the f*cking keys to the toilet and there they went far away somewhere... Then with the new bicycle I fell about five times and it's a little broken now but I am not giving up on hope. Oh by the way my toilet exploded a week after I dropped my keys into it. One beautiful morning I opened my bathroom door and a tsunami of shit entered the whole apartment. That was what they call 'Let's fuck this shit - o'clock'. I just left the shit at my apartment and went to work, I called the maintenance guy from work and told him there was a little surprise at my apartment... Fix it porfavor.

This year... 2013. I was born 13th of Jan 1991. This year I have been in a car accident, that fucked up my lower back... I have caused the car two big injuries this year and last year one big crash and the year before that a smaller injury... Oh and also my credit card was copied so I lost over 400 euros. Also my knee is injured not only because someone surfed on top of me last year in Peru but when I was jogging with my dog I just tripped on my own two legs and smashed my knee in the ice and face in the snow.

What an update on a beautiful monday like this, I love my life! :)


  1. KUOLIN NAURUUN, raukka ♥ eikä tos ees ollu puoliakaan, nimimerkillä vesilasin alle jäänyt syytön tv:n katselija :)

  2. wowww Henna you're so lucky eh !
    When life gives you lemons, make lemonade :D

    1. lets take tequila with those lemons when I return in 8 weeks ;)

